If you don’t know this guy, trust me, you should!
Are you a true lover of music? Not the over hyped commercial train of the large record labels, but the true-to-the-music sounds of pure honesty? If you haven't heard Monte Montgomery, you should. I first saw Monte on Austin City Limits (one of the best shows to ever hit television and make inventing the electronic box worth while) back in 1999 and instantly fell in love with him. His combination of very cleaver lyrics, great melodic hooks and riffs, cord and tempo changes, and his super Alvarez acoustic guitar playing, just blew me away. I was a fan from that 23 minutes on. And, if you really love music, and give him a chance, you will be too. So, do yourself a favor, put down the financially-motivated, shoved-down-you-throat, bubble-gum-pop for a few minutes, and find out what non-commercial heart filled soul music sounds like. Treat yourself and thank me later. If you don't learn anything else from me, learn this one. (PS: Don't be afraid to spend a case of beer's worth of money and buy yourself one of his CD's. One, you won't be ripping off the artist who brought this gift to the audio world by yanking it off the net. Two, you'll have something damn fucking fantastic to listen to while you suck down that next case of beer.) Monte Montgomery: http://www.montemontgomery.com/ http://www.myspace.com/officialmontemontgomery http://www.myspace.com/montemontgomery http://www.pbs.org/klru/austin/artists/artist77.html http://www.pbs.org/klru/austin/artists/program57.html http://www.jerrylacroix.com/MB/MonteLyrics.htm Austin City Limits: http://www.austincitylimits.com/default.aspx http://www.pbs.org/klru/austin/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austin_City_Limits
Labels: Music